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Careprost Eyelash Serum For Thicker and Longer Eyelashes

The eyes are vital in appearance, more than other areas of the face. In addition to beauty, influence and the way to talk are crucial. The color and shape of the eyes determine the wonder of the eyes, but eyebrows and eyelashes are vital to the beauty of the eyes.

Women's need to have a gorgeous and attractive appearance has always been their goal for decades. One of the most important vital factors in the appearance of this beauty has long eyelashes.

There have always been methods and options for long eyelashes among women, including the use of mascara, artificial eyelashes, eyelash extensions, and eyelash enhancers. With the advancement of science, new methods have been developed to strengthen eyelashes, which do not require the use of artificial eyelashes and similar factors. I have numerous requests from clients to extend the degree and thickness of my eyelashes. These compounds and methods are both available and used by consumers and professionals.

The aim of this text is to help experts to know how these compounds work and to inform them of the components made by these compounds and how to use safe and effective methods.

Origin of the Eyelash Enhancer

Areas around the eyes play a vital role in the appearance of individuals. When people make eye contact with each other, attention and the surrounding regions have a crucial role to play in establishing this contact. Therefore, this part of the face is incredibly essential to the expression of beauty. Beauty and the thickness of the eyelash are of great importance in many countries and cultures and are considered crucial in creating an attractive appearance.

Eyelash enhancers are divided into two groups: the primary group of enhancers containing prostaglandin analogs (Prostaglandin) and therefore the second group does not have this compound. Prostaglandin analogs are active compounds that have been used for a long time in the treatment of glaucoma or dark circles.

They are lipid-like compounds derived from fatty acids. After a long time, dermatologists like me have noticed the effect of strengthening and thickening eyelashes in patients treated with this prostaglandin.

However, sometime later, in 2008, Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd launched an artificial prostaglandin product called bimatoprost after approval by the FDA to treat individuals with thin, thin eyelashes.

New Eyelash Enhancer Product

In 2008, the company introduced another new product called careprost, which contains 0.03% bimatoprost eye solution for the treatment of weak and short lashes. The company also developed another product called Lumigan as an eye-fixed drop to treat pressure and glaucoma.

Other serum enhancers on the market include the spread of non-pharmaceutical compounds such as peptides, vitamins, and eyelash volumizers. Although these products may have positive effects on eyelash volume, no comprehensive study has been conducted on the extent to which these products affect eyelash growth.

Science Behind the Formulation of these Products

Prostaglandin analogs were thought to be useful in improving the assembly cycle and eyelash growth. The assembly and growth cycle of the eyelash usually lasts about four months. This growth process consists of three phases: anagen (growth), catagen (transitional phase), and telogen (rest). In the telogen phase or resting phase, the lashes do not grow at least and eventually lose their hair before the cycle starts again in the anagen phase.

Prostaglandin analogs stimulate hair follicles to pass from the resting stage to the expansion stage, or anagen, which ends up producing more lashes during the growth phase. These compounds can prolong the growth phase of the eyelash, thus increasing the length of the lashes.

Numerous studies have documented the performance and results of prostaglandin analog utilization. A study of 278 patients, 137 of whom used careprost eye drops, found that the thickness of the eyelashes increased by 106% after 16 weeks of use of this product. They also increased the length of the eyelash by 25% and darkened it by 18%.

Other studies by independent individuals and groups showed the consequences of using these compounds on the eyelashes. In these studies, variables such as length, thickness, and opacity of the eyelashes were evaluated with bimatoprost compared to placebo in the control group. Altogether, significant effects were observed in the improvement of the parameters expressed by the use of bimatoprost.

Unique features of the product

Not only can prostaglandins increase the thickness and growth of eyelashes, but they will also not treat glaucoma or glaucoma as intraocular drops. However, it should be noted that there is not much data on the safety of the use of these products within the scope of the attention so that the maximum quantity possible should be used only around the eyes (eyelashes). However, as with any other medication combination, this product has side effects such as itching, redness of the eyelids, iris discoloration (usually permanent), and darkening of the skin around the eyes, which should be noted in only 4% of individuals. Buy careprost eye drops from Safemg.